“We are committed to using the very best products offered to us in order to grow the most premium grafted citrus tree which money can buy.”
Planting Instructions
- When choosing a spot for your tree, choose a place with the highest elevation and most available sunlight.
- When planting your tree, the branches that come from the main truck of the tree is referred to as “The Head”. On time of planting we recommend the head is cut in half. This will be not only less of a wind catch, but also less shock will occur from being transplanted.
- While digging your hole take into consideration the width of the pot. Your hole should be twice the size of your pot.
- Set the top of your root ball even with your ground level, and fill your soil to the ground level and tamp.
- Upon completion you should form a water basin around your tree as this allows for a better watering system.
- Do not overwater. In the ground, once a week is more than adequate, however, if you are in a container we suggest watering about every 3 or 4 days.
- In the first year if the tree begins to produce fruit, it is best to pick off all fruit when reaching “green pea” size. This is done to promote growth and to double or triple the tree in size.
- In the spring, one handful of balanced fertilizer, balanced meaning all three numbers the same (8-8-8, 12-12-12, or 13-13-13) as part of the monthly duty one handful of fertilizer should be applied to the tree. Stopping of this procedure should occur in the month of September.
- In the second year, once the tree has grown and is ready to set fruit, apply two pounds of balanced fertilizer once in mid February and again mid July at half rate. (One pound)
For each year proceeding, apply one more pound of fertilizer at first application, and half of that rate at the second application. This should be performed to reach a maximum fertilization of six pounds at six years.
- Once the threat of cold is over the tree should be trimmed lifting the lower portion of the tree from the ground, as this is where most of your insects tend to come from. Also any wild or protruding limbs should be cut and reshaped into the form of a round tree.
- When the tree has reached its peak size the inside should be cleaned of any dead wood, stems, or twigs; this leaves only clean scaffolding limbs. This also allows for more sunlight and no room for insects to lie in the tree.
- Only spray if you have insects. If you have a problem go to your nearest garden center. Someone should be available to identify and supply you with the appropriate chemical to subdue that insect.
- All insects along with any fungal problems can be identified by your local garden center.
- Remember: The Label is the law!
- Citrus is a self-pollinating tree. This is done through the wind and bees, these trees will never cross-pollinate. (A Lemon will always be a lemon and a Satsuma will always be a Satsuma)
While using a weed whacker stay away from the tree trunks, as this may cause harm or possibly death to your tree. Keep your pet leash off the trunk of the tree as this may cause harm or death to your tree.